My #2
Bank stabilization plan
What is it about?
The bank stabilization plan, bank working plan and work on the shoreline are often used as synonyms. It simply refers to work around or in a body of water.
Such a plan is useful, for example, when you plan to replace a staircase or when you must prevent erosion. It is also useful when you must naturalize the shoreline, like after the replacement of a wall. You must then plan for a rock fill to stabilize the shoreline, as well as for tree and shrub planting.
The plan is delivered with specifications which provide details on how to carry out the proposed work.
You may then hear about:
High water mark: the highest water level point reached from season to season.
Spot elevation: the highest level that water can reach depending on the height of a dam or a reservoir structure.
Shore or bank: a piece of land located between 0 and 15 metres from a body of water, also called riparian strip or buffer.
Littoral: part of a lake or stream that extends from the high water mark to the centre of the body of water.
What for?
When it is time to plan a land-use project located in the shoreline, the following may be mandatory:
- A municipal permit, also called certificate of authorization (CA)
- An authorization issued by the Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs (MFFP)
- And sometimes, a certificate of authorization issued by the Ministère de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques (MELCC)
To be authorized to work into the shoreline, municipalities and ministries require drawings and specifications. These documents must be prepared by a professional who affixes his professional seal to them.
You may then use these drawings and specifications to conduct authorized work, whether to choose your contractor, estimate your costs, or implement your stabilization project.
Here is what I offer
- A meeting to determine the best approach for your budget
- An on-site status assessment of your shore
- To undertake steps to obtain the required authorizations
- Drawings and specifications
I can also
- Supervise the shore stabilization or land-use project.
- Prepare corrective plans for unauthorized work into the shore.
- Propose erosion control plans.
- Develop landscaping plans, namely landscaping work on the whole property.