Forest pest detection
What is it about?
This consulting service aims at identifying a pest on your stand, such as the presence of a type of insect or sickness, and to advise you on means to restrain the damages it may cause.
What for?
Specialized consulting services allow you to know if your trees are affected by this pest, and what you may do in this case.
Many municipalities in Quebec are struggling with various pest epidemics such as the spruce budworm, the forest tent caterpillar, the emerald ash borer, and the beech bark disease.
With the help of specialists, municipalities and citizens can support each other in their struggle against these pests.
Here is my offer
- An on-site visit in order to identify the pest
- Recommendations regarding actions to be taken to treat the affected trees
- Advice on how to improve the diversity and quality of your wooded area
I can also
Take a sample, fill out an application and submit it to the Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs, in order to get a diagnosis confirmation.