Sylvicultural diagnosis
What is it about?
A sylvicultural diagnosis consists in a professional opinion on a forest issue, resulting from on-site data collecting. It allows to determine the gap between the current and desired status of the stand.
The sylvicultural diagnosis is also the first step of forest planning activities.
What for?
A sylvicultural diagnosis is useful when:
- You have a project in mind, such as:
- To increase the wood volume (yield) that could be logged
- To increase the wooded area quality
- To improve the landscape quality
- To improve the access to your wooded area for recreational purposes
- You want to know more on the current status of your land
- You suspect damages, such as the presence of sicknesses or insects
- You notice that some trees have fallen (windfall)
- You want to assess a treatment previously rendered in your wooded area
Here is what I offer
- An on-site visit
- A written opinion