Environmental site assessment
What is it about?
An environmental site assessment (ESA) aims at determining if a site is contaminated. It includes 3 steps.
ESA – Phase 1: We assess the risk of contamination of the site. If our assessment confirms a risk, we then proceed to Step 2.
ESA – Phase 2: We test the water or the soil to confirm the source of contamination. This test also allows us to delineate precisely the extent of contamination.
ESA – Phase 3: We develop a rehabilitation plan to decontaminate the site.
What for?
When planning a real estate transaction, financial institutions or municipalities often require that you carry out an environmental site assessment.
Here is what I offer
A comprehensive report which complies with the requirements of the financial institutions and city planning departments.
We have completed a specialized training program recognized by the Association québécoise de vérification environnementale (AQVE).